

今天是15 April 2010,也是我最倒霉的一天!!首先,我今天七早八早7am就去到学院。因为我跟我爸上班时间去,但其实10.30am才上课。。怎知。。。

老师既然生病进了院!!原本可以继续睡的我,竟然害到我白去一趟。。不过也不可怪老师Mr.Dhason,花名为Mr. Mario。。因为他今天生病了,从星期一到今天呢。。初级怀疑是H1N1流行感呢。。恐怖。。期望他可以早点回来,因为就来要考试了。。最好笑是代替老师进来告诉我们他生病没有来,然后就说“All right, you all may go home now, bye bye!"


我,Spencer assistant(Shu Ying) 本来就打算放学后去SunwayClash Of Titan 3D,结果就提早一个钟半去到Sunway了,今天又很晒的,而且我昨天又不见了我亲爱的黑眼镜,搞到我眼睛痛死了。。到了Sunway,我们当然就去买票先啦。。但去到戏院才发现原来Sunway3DRM18,比GSC贵两块,但是GSC舒服得多,因为至少我头不会被踢到也可以躺下,算了。。反正都在哪里了。。我们就买了1.35pm的票。。那时才11.35am,过后我们又很饿,当然就去医肚子啦。。我们想了很久,也就最后打算去Kim Gary了。。走着去时,不知为什么了,我打了我assistant (Shu Ying)一巴掌Shu Ying也就这样气了我,我也不知我哦用多大的力量了。。她今天既然是第一次那么的生气我,看起来好像要眼湿湿的呢。。去到Kim Gary了,她还在气着的,我又不懂怎样哄回她,唉。。搞到我开始担心了。。我们就冷战了一阵子。。真抱歉。。也许我真的太大力了,以后我会控制的了。。Go me na sai。。过了不久,我电话既然开不到机!!啊!!>_< 我就心情没完了,那时Shu Ying也跟我讲回话,但是我已经没胃口吃了。。

付了钱后,我们就赶到去Gadgets Arena,我问那销售员是什么问题,他告诉我要拿进厂(医院)检查再看是什么问题,我就说好,就这样。。我的老七就进了医院了。。需要等到明天报告才出来。。唉。。希望它问题不大啦!真遗憾。。

看完戏后,就是回家的时候啦!我就跟了我assistant的车到Tesco搭巴士,去到巴士站才发现我身上没钱,还好发现得早。。我就向Shu Ying借着一块钱先,她也是我的救者呀。。谢啦!这时运气还蛮好的,巴士很快就来了,但我上了巴士,也许太累吧,很快的。。就睡着了。。还差点忘了下车呢,还好到了我的目的地时有人要上车。。刚好我又醒了,就急忙的按“响铃”啦。。他就开门给我下了,我下车时还很晒的,不过走了不久天就开始阴了,因为有云遮着太阳,我还要走20分钟的呢,还好一路上都没晒。不过很奇妙的是我到家后,要冲凉时,太阳就出现了,还很晒呢。。可能上帝知道我背着4KG书包是很辛苦的。。真希望我每次走路会都可以那么美好的天气。。

冲了凉后,当然是开电脑啦。。结果。。倒霉又回来了。。不知为何不可以上网。。弄了好久还是一样。。又不是没付钱。。啊!!救命啊。。刚在朋友家看到了Lowyat Forum写着Streamyx Down Nationwide。。只好等他恢复了。。过后我就去睡觉,超累的。。不知为何今天手脚肌肉都痛了,平时又不见会的。。唉。。

而晚上就搞到我要去我AssistantShu Ying)的家上网,真不好意思。。现在你们看到的这Blog也就是在她家上载的啦! 唉。。唉。。。唉。。。。




Xi Xuan April 15, 2010 at 10:17 PM  

你真的是很倒霉哦。。。我也不是好你很多啦。。。我的老公(Laptop)突然不知道出了什么问题。。。 唉。。。

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About ΣЦĢΣΩΣ †

My photo
ΣЦĢΣΩΣ, is an ordinary guy that born on 07th October 1990. He is a well being Libran Horse that doesn’t eat grass. He believe in the faith of god (Jesus Christ) very much. He is also loves freedom and peace that makes him an email– freedom_peacefans@hotmail.com

What ΣЦĢΣΩΣ ♥ †

Basically... ΣЦĢΣΩΣ hanging out with friends going around Klang Valley areas for movies, drinking (Yam Cha) and photographing... =D
Photographing is an enjoyable hobby and lots of fun taking photo with his beloved Canon EOS 60D, which finally been upgraded since the last entry level DSLR, and now he can finally admit to be an amateur photographer... Lol.. it is good enough for him to take what he is desiring... and he loves Streets photog, Landscapes shots, Portraiture as well. And not to forget random shots.
And of course, I my iPhone 4 & iPod Touch 4th Gen as well ! My daily used devices for all sorts of things from organizing - gaming ! =D

I do love to stay and hang out with my family as well, love of his family gave him the best blessing of his entire life and He love his Dad and Mum very much as they provide him the opportunity to gain the successful life... He loves his Sister Eva too, she is being the gr8test and loving sis that accommodate what her little brother wants and always support him! Though ΣЦĢΣΩΣ supports her too! =P

Besides his family, New Life Restoration Center or NLRC is one of his home of families as well, which means to be his beloved church members and Father Lord (Jesus), he would normally goes to the youth and cell group as well as the main service day week by week. New members are always welcomed... =D

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Beloved Pets ~ PAP PAP the guinea piggy †
Rest In Peace, 2008 - 2010

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