The bad news is:
Two more weeks to go and its war time... deng ~~ deng~~
Because its my final exam for this Semester!!! Aaaahh... >o<"
How can I handle my numerical logical methods? I oso dono ><
I guess I will lock myself up in Jail from May 24th,
Wan to visit me? XD
The jail is located at Puchong, Taman Meranti Jaya... XD
The good news is:
After exam, I will be going to Langkawi with frens on 1st of June... woohoo... =D
Kinda excited, but everytime i think of it, my exam keeps flowing into my mind... ><
I haven even make a checklist for the packing, I guess I will only be able to make the checklist after 29th May. Oh well, I guess I shud make my time management better. The thing now is I will nid to get a big screen device b4 the trip and load it up with my favorite movies. =P Coz I will bored till death if I'm seating in the bus for 7 hours without doin anything besides sleeping, XP Hmm... thinking to get one very soon to add into my gadgets family. XP
GOOD LUCK to all my dear frens who is going to the war together on MAY 24th.
PRAY 4 me... haha... =D
Oh ya... kinda love to play with TILT SHIFT photos nowadays... =D
The miniature effects juz makes me think of owning them as toys. haha... XD
Ford Mustang, looks like a toy car, but actually its real. =D
Taken from one of the tower of Kuala Lumpur.
Busy Kuala Lumpur, realize where is the metro bus? haha ... =D
Do they look like TOYs? May be this is how a Toy City looks like... =D
Hav Faith,
Hav Love,
In the year of GOD's Love...
Coughing~~~Coughing~~~Coughing~~~ Aih... Sick boy... >.<
dnt worry... i can help u solve ur numerical methods and logic de... drink more water, rest more, and sleep early... will make u faster recover de... and remember eat medicine o... gambateh...
Haha... thanks for the cheers.. will do my best :)
you're welcome... i know u can do ur best de... we all gambateh together... :)
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