Went to Pak Toh with my mommy today evening to have dinner at Bangsar Shopping mall, haha... Dono y suddenly my mommy got the feeling of going there for dinner. hahas... We taken our dinner at Monte's.. for western food. Woohoo... Lucky tat today is not tat traffic Jam, we went there all the way smoothly... lol... After tat, me and mommy went to bren's house, haha... and this blog were uploaded at her house, lol... and another good news is my mommy don nid me to pay the money of the stuffs tat I bought from 1U tat day... yipeee!!! Thanks Mommy!!! Love U Much Much!!! =DD
Monte's , It actually means "mountain" in Italian, I donoe Y they make it this name, may b the 1st restaurant that the founder opened is at a mountain that he loves? Anyway... Who cares, as long as the food is nice... weee.. XD
...Naaa... Its actually not... lol~~ XP
This is the red red tomato sauce that spilt out so difficultly when I hit it hardly until my hand oso red red ady. @.@ But, it came out beautifully with a result of red red "Love" Sign. ^^
The only parking system in Malaysia that shows the amount in....... EURO? haha...
Since when we have 1 and 2 bucks syiling or 20 bucks notes? XD
Hahas... Bren so shy with her pyjamas... XD
This is the red red tomato sauce that spilt out so difficultly when I hit it hardly until my hand oso red red ady. @.@ But, it came out beautifully with a result of red red "Love" Sign. ^^
The only parking system in Malaysia that shows the amount in....... EURO? haha...
Since when we have 1 and 2 bucks syiling or 20 bucks notes? XD
Hahas... Bren so shy with her pyjamas... XD
Seii Lah!! One more day to go then exam jorrr... T.T... so gan jeong >.<
When I heard it... Its Juz PAIN~~
I am LOST... In Your EYES...
When I heard it... Its Juz PAIN~~
I am LOST... In Your EYES...
u so geng lo... still hv less one day, our exam start lo... u still can go out playing... really worry u how to scope ur exam la... hehe... nvmla... u so smart de... can scope it de... gambateh la... dnt play too much la... remember do revision o...
wer got play o... huiyoo, go eat only lorr...aduh... ya lor, muz gambateh tomolo to civer everything le. @.@
hehe... okla...u dnt hv play la... just eat dinner la... gambateh o... tml u must bi guan lo... XD
ya lo...but muz cut hair 1st.
then u cut liao la? u say today cut de o...
Cut liao lorrhh... hoho...
i know liao... see ur new hair style at monday liao... it looks nice...
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