When we are mentioning about SKYLINE,
Woah.. this words is sensitive.
Coz most people will think of the
SEXAYYY GTR34 or perhaps the more monstrous GTR35??
this time,
it comes out with a Movie,
but not a racing movie that contents of the Sexaayy SKYLINE GTR though,
Its bout the end of the world with ALIENS @@
Yess, u din heard me wrong,
the movie is all bout killers ALIENS.
Its Directed and Produced by The Brothers Strause.
They were well known in producing and directed Music Videos (MV) for
They were also the VFX Artist on
This is their first directed movie though.
Its NOT boring At all,
but, its totally not logical (That is why we called it fiction..lol)
But the way the made this movie is super cool,
Imagine the head of a human being torn off and brain taken off from human,
Imagine how the "things" fall down from sky and attracted human
by using their so called "powerful" light,
(Its juz like guys using their "electrify" eyes to attract the ladies..lol)
Imagine how the humans being suck up (By a Giant Vacuum?),
Imagine how the WHOLE BIG slimey spaceship being destroyed by just one missile
and rebuild by itself again?
Or Imagine how the lovely and sexayy
FERRARI F430 being WRECKED up by the foot of the ALIEN
(I love this part, especially when it was STEPPED! by the foot of the ALIEN
and the tyre of the FERR was hanging like a Toy Car being Stepped on!! LOL!!)
Woah, this movie is just freaking amazing of the way they produced it,
At first I thought its just a one time movie,
but I was wrong,
At the end of the MOVIE,
by that moment,
I realized it was just the starting of the real part of the movie.
Where Jarrod being turned into an ALIEN as well,
but an ALIEN that helps human fights back !
This is where the serious part of the movie takes on,
but it was the end of the movie (WTHeck??!!)
So as a conclusion of the whole movie,
The ending part was actually the starting,
which was juz like a Appetizer (Current movie, Skyline)
before the Main Course(The next movie, Skyline 2) comes in??!
Well, I guess we shall wait, perhaps in 1 or 2 years time??
********Lets be PATIENT*******