After my ipod baby arrived, and now..
finally my HP Mini is here after waiting for 2 weeks.
As in exactly 2 weeks !! LOL~
But the Streamyx "Ah Neh" told me within a week.
"Yi Na Wa Na Bu Na Yi Ne! "
Now I know y we always tell those children never ever trust "Ah Neh"..
Okay, get back to the HP Mini. =DD
Oh Yeah !
The Eenie Minie in the box. xD
Okay.. After I unpacked it,
the 1st thing I do was,
Of coz, power it on. lol..
But I was searchingfor the power button of it
But doesnt seems to be located anywhere of it until...
I realize it when I read the Manuals..
(Technology juz still cant live without Manuals. @@)
It was on the side panel of it which is not a button
but a slider to "slide" it on and
doesnt looks like a power switch to me
with juz a MINI MINI power sign on it . @@
(Bcoz its called HP mini??? LOL!)
After setting it up and installing everything.
I open up both of the Notebook and Netbook under cover.
And swap the memory modules between them
So now the Mini gets 2gb of memory !!! Hurray !!
But my Studio now packed with only 3gb of memory !!! Boooooo!!
I haven plan what I'm gonna do with this Mini yet.
But perhaps its for used in my next semester
since its much more lighter and smaller.
and for my photo work as well??
The eenie minie book.. =DD