I was looking back at my olden day photos while
choosing my sis children photos, LOL...
i was like... OMGosh... was that me? @@
Then i realize, alot things had changed,
my life, my style, my taste...
I saw my cousins bren, michelle, sean,
carmen, 2x joey and etc... in those pics...
I reli kinda miss it!! I juz so hope if i cud
turn back the time with a time machine?
Too bad it doesn't assists at all...
Bren was cute once, though she is now too... hahahas...
but bit sampat only.... wakaka... love her!!
My sis too, from a young one with rambutan hair,
Then now, gonna giv birth to another rambutan hair soon...Hahas...
Life is juz bout challenge.. mistakes.. full of trials...
but this is life...created with non- perfection,
but in everyone's life, it still will gain perfection in
certain circumstances... do i love the way i am now?
Emm... 2 b honest... i not sure either...
coz my life wasnt perfect too, and i cant confirm
myself wat wud my life be in the future.
Its not near, but one day.. it will soon arrive too...
Wat i can say is juz "船到桥头,自然直"...
Miss this!! My b'day at McD ampang park (It is still there now)... hahas...
From left: Eva, Bren, Joey, Me and Michelle!! xD Bren so Q!!!
At my old old old house... Wow... Bren with her ostrich pose, don even know y she doin tat...xD
My sis 12th b'day party... LOL, Joey 2 was born.. ^^
Btw, juz went to watch Twilight : Eclipse today...
I was like...almost fall asleep jor... Both kissing in front of each other lovers?? OMGosh, totally unacceptable... @@ Though there are meanings in the movie too. Whats next? Predator or Despicable Me...
hmmmm... Consider -- ing ~~ xD
Oh yaa... got my hair cut 2day too, but but...
the hairstylist says i shud keep it bit
longer 1st, and don make it spike, not nice worh...
ask me to put it abit thicker then feels more better worh...
At 1st at the saloon, the hairstylist help me style till quite nice geh,
but when i got back and used hair dryer to blow,
i cant make it jor... arrghh...
Then when bren saw me juz now at sunway...
she keep laughing non-stop...
Anyway, gonna style it again, and dye it this week... !!