Today i'm juz so tired, went to church, then went back home, revise some maths... in the end, no time to sleep... aduh... only sleep for about an hour then gonna go out ady. Go where?
Of coz is go celebrating out "Zhou Xi Ye" Burst~~day la... XP
At first we plan to go Fatty Crab in the mines eat seafood... but dono y suddenly change to Look Out Point eat western ady...>.<>.<" Anyway, we are the first to arrive among the others, so we c got place or not in the so called western restaurant of LOP, then the INDIAN fellow ask us "Gei Doh Goh" (Cantonese "how many person"), I stunt ady.. haha, then i say "Sap Yi Goh" (12 person). He ask me wait and took Jonathan phone number, may b he too leng zai ady... hahaha... XP no la, is juz for reservation... but i din say he not leng zai yea... XD After bout half an hour, thank god finally we got place , and they oso reach ady. Though except brian they all, but of coz we take our order 1st , then i perasaan go take some pics, take watever i can take with my wife (EOS)... XD But of coz at there muz capture the main character (KLCCa & KL Tower), so i change to my wife 2nd eye (100 - 300mm) for zooming into KLCC (Observe the pictures below). lolx... unfortunately, i shaken my hand. In the end, getting a little blur image =( Brian they all reach at bout 9pm like tat and we ady had our meal half way jor, haha... I ordered an Sizzling Grilled chicken chop combo with fresh prawns and fish that i shared with Jack, as for my beverage, of coz is my favorite fresh soursop juice, coz its hard to find this kinda fresh juice in the town... lucky i din bring back my memory, though there are lots of memory in this place since last year... nvm, its been a pass ady anyway though its still in my mind...>.<>.<... amboi... after taking pics, suddenly rain, Gosh... then we left at about 10.30pm like tat, After that, I fetch chow chow back to PJ, but when we reach PJ, feel like bit hungry again , so we went to K.T.Z. had our 2nd round (supper). =D Its been so loooong i nvr been there, once i reach there, of coz i will order my favorite "honey dew loh" and "wall band"... So yummy^^, then after awhile, rain again, so we rush into our car, and send chow chow back then send Jonathan back... I reach home at bout 12am like tat, staright upload photo into facebook and upload the blog u are currently reading now... =D Oh well, gonna sleep now, 1.37am jor, 6am nid wake up... gosh... @.@ Nitezzz...
This was taken with 18 - 55mm lens
This is taken at 100mm
And this is at 300mm (hand shaken)... =(
The b'day boy's SON blowing the ~~~ candle?
The disco ball that spinning, taken at 1" second... =D
My main course... Sizzling Grilled Chicken Chop with Prawns and Fish...
But kinda a small serving... >.<
The light from heaven... =D
The light effects from the skyline view... =D
The "budak lelaki" gang... =D
Nothing is impossible for me...
As long as we believe in our FAITH...