Kok Wai Burst~~DAY... XD


Today i'm juz so tired, went to church, then went back home, revise some maths... in the end, no time to sleep... aduh... only sleep for about an hour then gonna go out ady. Go where?

Of coz is go celebrating out "Zhou Xi Ye" Burst~~day la... XP
At first we plan to go Fatty Crab in the mines eat seafood... but dono y suddenly change to Look Out Point eat western ady...>.<>.<" Anyway, we are the first to arrive among the others, so we c got place or not in the so called western restaurant of LOP, then the INDIAN fellow ask us "Gei Doh Goh" (Cantonese "how many person"), I stunt ady.. haha, then i say "Sap Yi Goh" (12 person). He ask me wait and took Jonathan phone number, may b he too leng zai ady... hahaha... XP no la, is juz for reservation... but i din say he not leng zai yea... XD After bout half an hour, thank god finally we got place , and they oso reach ady. Though except brian they all, but of coz we take our order 1st , then i perasaan go take some pics, take watever i can take with my wife (EOS)... XD But of coz at there muz capture the main character (KLCCa & KL Tower), so i change to my wife 2nd eye (100 - 300mm) for zooming into KLCC (Observe the pictures below). lolx... unfortunately, i shaken my hand. In the end, getting a little blur image =( Brian they all reach at bout 9pm like tat and we ady had our meal half way jor, haha... I ordered an Sizzling Grilled chicken chop combo with fresh prawns and fish that i shared with Jack, as for my beverage, of coz is my favorite fresh soursop juice, coz its hard to find this kinda fresh juice in the town... lucky i din bring back my memory, though there are lots of memory in this place since last year... nvm, its been a pass ady anyway though its still in my mind...>.<>.<... amboi... after taking pics, suddenly rain, Gosh... then we left at about 10.30pm like tat, After that, I fetch chow chow back to PJ, but when we reach PJ, feel like bit hungry again , so we went to K.T.Z. had our 2nd round (supper). =D Its been so loooong i nvr been there, once i reach there, of coz i will order my favorite "honey dew loh" and "wall band"... So yummy^^, then after awhile, rain again, so we rush into our car, and send chow chow back then send Jonathan back... I reach home at bout 12am like tat, staright upload photo into facebook and upload the blog u are currently reading now... =D Oh well, gonna sleep now, 1.37am jor, 6am nid wake up... gosh... @.@ Nitezzz...

This was taken with 18 - 55mm lens

This is taken at 100mm

And this is at 300mm (hand shaken)... =(

The b'day boy's SON blowing the ~~~ candle?

The disco ball that spinning, taken at 1" second... =D

My main course... Sizzling Grilled Chicken Chop with Prawns and Fish...
But kinda a small serving... >.<

The light from heaven... =D

The light effects from the skyline view... =D

The "budak lelaki" gang... =D

My mind had opened up for you...
Nothing is impossible for me...
As long as we believe in our FAITH...

All settled... =D


Finally, SAD assignment is over today, besides, I had settled all my headache "havoc"...XD
Although its not exactly all, coz i still got OS assignment and PSPD assignment, but at least the most important assignment had been settled. On the other hand, my wife (Canon EOS 1000D) body got a problem, which is cause by the sensor, I juz dono y when i takes picture, the result cames out with a black dot in low aperture (F3.5) and a round dot in high aperture (F22), this is especially when i takes potraits, it makes me feel like the person I'm shooting had a mole on her face. lol... However, when me and my assistant (Shu Ying) went back to college for handing the assignment to the admin, after that, i'm glad that I'm able to go to Canon HQ which is located at Saujana, Shah Alam, right next to Kuala Lumpur Japanese School. I'm juz so worry about my camera while on the way there... my heart is like... pumping faster and faster... higher and higher... lol...
When we reach there, the people in customer care center are so polite, and what makes me suprise is my wife's prob is juz because of a little dust on the sensor, but I had tried using blower and blow it off, though i dono why it cant go off, may b its bigger than the other usual dust. Lucky that I can take her back home on the exact day, coz I tot she will be goin into the hospital. =D
After that, my assistant came to my house and teach me "math" and the exact name is Numerical Method and Logical (NML) since I goin to have a test by next monday... Oh noo...
Anyway, I shud face it though...lol... I believe i can go through it... At night, I went to Connaught pasar malam with Shu Ying, Jonathan and Brend^^... when we reach there, brend will be meeting a fren at 7-eleven, and when we reach there, then only i know its "Lily"...lol...
Actually, i'm there to buy sunglass, but end up buying foods only... haha... Anyway, we walked about 2 hours, at 11pm, we sent Lily to opposite's petrol station where her brother is waiting for her there. Then we went to "Tan Cha Home" near leisure mall...lol... we had a very fun moment there... coz our topics keeps making us laughing only, and when we want to go home at 12am, dono y Brend and Jon is so high... keep singing song on the street... as in "Not loud Not soft" lol... Oh ya, forgot to take some pictures of them.. ish... Thats today... Sleeping time... Ciao!!! ^^

This is taken with High Aperture(F22)

This is taken at low aperture(F5.6)... looks like a mole...lol

...you had found your



今天上完课后。我,Spencer和我assistant(Shu Ying)打算去PC fair。。我和Shu Ying是打算去哪里买Anti-virus的。虽然我们是驾车。。但是驾车去Tasik Selatan搭LRT去,路途中我们是要去Masjid Jamek换车的,因为听说KLCC区会很塞车所以我们就在Masjid Jamek的Mcdonald叔叔的店医肚子啦。然后才去搭Putra到KLCC,到了KLCC,刚好又是我以前Maxis同事去吃Lunch,Julia又刚好我在Putra LRT要到KLCC时Call我,所以就去见个面聊聊啦。。见到面时,当中有Julia,Helen,Ah Tan还有两位不认识的,Julia见到我就一直问我怎么弄这个发型和镍我的。。真是的。。不过不用紧啦。。很久没见了嘛。。呵呵。。
跟他们聊完后就走路去PC fair啦。。我还带着相机去呢。。为何?当然是拍那些美丽的Show Girl啦,以前就是一直看到很多人拿着DSLR去拍的,所以自己也很想试下。。今天终于有机会啦。。好消息就是我总共拍了超过50张的Show Gal照片,但当中有些是要Delete的。。XD。。而坏消息是那个anti-virus竟然比我在Low Yat看到的还贵,所以还是星期一才去买了。
我们大概走了1个钟半吧,然后就搭LRT回去啦,我和Shu Ying就回Tasik Selatan,Spencer就要回Kelana Jaya,所以我们也就在Masjid Jamek说拜拜啦。。呵呵。。
过后,我和Shu Ying就去Sunway Pyramid,别误会,我们不是去拍拖,哈哈。。而是去接我老七而已,还有帮Jonathan卖了他的相机(alpha A350)。。摆在网上卖了接近三个月都还没卖到的东西终于在今天卖了。。没想到,那个买相机的是一个美女,我先听到她在电话的声音还以为是“TB”呢,结果。。人不可貌“声”。。呵呵


PC Fair Show Gal!! @@




今天是15 April 2010,也是我最倒霉的一天!!首先,我今天七早八早7am就去到学院。因为我跟我爸上班时间去,但其实10.30am才上课。。怎知。。。

老师既然生病进了院!!原本可以继续睡的我,竟然害到我白去一趟。。不过也不可怪老师Mr.Dhason,花名为Mr. Mario。。因为他今天生病了,从星期一到今天呢。。初级怀疑是H1N1流行感呢。。恐怖。。期望他可以早点回来,因为就来要考试了。。最好笑是代替老师进来告诉我们他生病没有来,然后就说“All right, you all may go home now, bye bye!"


我,Spencer assistant(Shu Ying) 本来就打算放学后去SunwayClash Of Titan 3D,结果就提早一个钟半去到Sunway了,今天又很晒的,而且我昨天又不见了我亲爱的黑眼镜,搞到我眼睛痛死了。。到了Sunway,我们当然就去买票先啦。。但去到戏院才发现原来Sunway3DRM18,比GSC贵两块,但是GSC舒服得多,因为至少我头不会被踢到也可以躺下,算了。。反正都在哪里了。。我们就买了1.35pm的票。。那时才11.35am,过后我们又很饿,当然就去医肚子啦。。我们想了很久,也就最后打算去Kim Gary了。。走着去时,不知为什么了,我打了我assistant (Shu Ying)一巴掌Shu Ying也就这样气了我,我也不知我哦用多大的力量了。。她今天既然是第一次那么的生气我,看起来好像要眼湿湿的呢。。去到Kim Gary了,她还在气着的,我又不懂怎样哄回她,唉。。搞到我开始担心了。。我们就冷战了一阵子。。真抱歉。。也许我真的太大力了,以后我会控制的了。。Go me na sai。。过了不久,我电话既然开不到机!!啊!!>_< 我就心情没完了,那时Shu Ying也跟我讲回话,但是我已经没胃口吃了。。

付了钱后,我们就赶到去Gadgets Arena,我问那销售员是什么问题,他告诉我要拿进厂(医院)检查再看是什么问题,我就说好,就这样。。我的老七就进了医院了。。需要等到明天报告才出来。。唉。。希望它问题不大啦!真遗憾。。

看完戏后,就是回家的时候啦!我就跟了我assistant的车到Tesco搭巴士,去到巴士站才发现我身上没钱,还好发现得早。。我就向Shu Ying借着一块钱先,她也是我的救者呀。。谢啦!这时运气还蛮好的,巴士很快就来了,但我上了巴士,也许太累吧,很快的。。就睡着了。。还差点忘了下车呢,还好到了我的目的地时有人要上车。。刚好我又醒了,就急忙的按“响铃”啦。。他就开门给我下了,我下车时还很晒的,不过走了不久天就开始阴了,因为有云遮着太阳,我还要走20分钟的呢,还好一路上都没晒。不过很奇妙的是我到家后,要冲凉时,太阳就出现了,还很晒呢。。可能上帝知道我背着4KG书包是很辛苦的。。真希望我每次走路会都可以那么美好的天气。。

冲了凉后,当然是开电脑啦。。结果。。倒霉又回来了。。不知为何不可以上网。。弄了好久还是一样。。又不是没付钱。。啊!!救命啊。。刚在朋友家看到了Lowyat Forum写着Streamyx Down Nationwide。。只好等他恢复了。。过后我就去睡觉,超累的。。不知为何今天手脚肌肉都痛了,平时又不见会的。。唉。。

而晚上就搞到我要去我AssistantShu Ying)的家上网,真不好意思。。现在你们看到的这Blog也就是在她家上载的啦! 唉。。唉。。。唉。。。。





Finally, 我想通了。。
原本在两个月前打算要买HTC HD2的我。。
就因为它是我“Dream Phone”,我就要花RM1800去买吗?
所以,想了又想。。就想到我老婆(Canon EOS 1000D) 还没有戴上会发亮的灯。。
所以我就下定决心去了SS14 的 Digital Mall 买了一个Nissin Di622,
问了几间相机店,他们的价钱都是RM500 - 550。

声音要美,可以看戏,有大触控屏幕,有3.5mm audio jack,还有一定要是支持Windows Mobile 6.5就可以了...结果~~~
就是。。OMNIA 2啦!而且还很便宜。。才RM1000...因为有人还卖着RM1200,连我的朋友都要卖我RM1100呢。。还好给我找到这位好心的卖着。。他应该是急着要钱吧。。呵呵。。


Canon EOS 1000D
Dell Studio
Lumix LS-80
Nissin Di622

Omnia 2。。



再来个幸福的全家福 XD



Trip to I-City, Tanjong Sepat & Sepang Gold Coast


Having fun with my frens and family goin for a day trip to
Tanjong Sepat, Sepang Gold Coast and I-City. lol... Its lucky that me and my cousin sis Brend^^ hav 50% discount of the normal price, coz 9 ppl go then free 1, so total 10 ppl. We had total of 14th relative and frens. Bren brought two of her so called "Leng Zhai" frens namely "Jun Hoong & "Jun Keii" haha... whereas i brought "Shu Ying". haha... but, a little regret... coz she "pakat" with my cousin bully me...aduh! Anyway, get back to the point about... the trip.
We went to Tanjong Sepat to hav lunch at a restaurant called "Hong Seng Bay" a.k.a. "Lover's Bridge". I went to this restaurant twice ady, twice oso follow the same tour group, the food there hasnt been improved, still the same old taste. Gosh... Nvm, since its included in the price, so we eat wat we can eat only. lol... After the lunch, we went to this Mushroom Factory somewhere around Tanjong Sepat. We had a few shots at the seaside, it is juz so windy tat makes my hair blown like a clown. Gosh, wasted my wax. Anyway, I don reli care how i looks like as long as its the moment of having fun. Besides, I'm happy that i am able to test out my wife's(
EOS 1000D) with her second eye (100 - 300mm IS EF USM lens) and my brand new "cap with flashlights" for my wife (Nissin Di622 speedlite)... lol... After the mushroom factory, we went to a dragon fruit farm where i had my favorite dragon fruit juice. lol... After that, we had a 1 hour drive to Sepang Goldcoast. At there, me, Shu Ying, Carmen, Brenda, Jun Keii and Jun Hoong went down to the beach and hav some fun taking photos, making words at the beach and so on. At first, the leader of the tour group said giv us only half hour to hang around at the beach. In the end, we are the last few person that got up into the bus after 1 hour of having fun. lol... Time juz passes so fast, i din manage to take a shot of the sun that shines on the sea which is juz so nice. Coz i'm busying taking potraits. Sigh...=.= Howerer, lucky tat my assistant "Shu Ying" took a shot of it with her camera though. lol... Y i called her as my assistant? haha... coz she always takes the photo that i din manage to take, and she helped me to hold my lens while i changing lens too. Thanks to her... =D After the bus starts its journey once again, we went passing by Tanjong Sepat and back to Klang, coz we having our dinner at "Telok Gong" where its well known for its seafood. Oh ya, along the 2 hours journey, i slept for about 1 1/2 hours. While i sleep, the bus is like a roller coaster, bouncing away. We feels like we are on a speed boat. lol... Even our butt can bounce up in the mid air and drop back on our seat. This happens a lot of times, there's even once that the bus continuously bounce for 7 times where everyone were screaming till so "high". lol... Its juz so fun bouncing away, though i had a painful butt after that... haha... and it may seems fun to us, but to the elderly, its kinda "pain". So the bus will brake whenever he realize there are pot holes or uneven roads. I'm juz so sad that i din manage to eat crab while having dinner at Telok Gong. Coz when i took my 1st bite and i realize its juz way to spicy for me as its full of black pepper. Gosh... I can only eat the other seafood which are, mantis prawn, Fired mee hoon with "LaLa", "Strong Smell" Steam Fish =P, fried vegetable, sauce with prawn and salted chicken. Sigh... for once again =.=... After the meal, we had a 1 hour drive from Telok Gong to Shah Alam I-City for its light carnival. I'm reli looking forward to the light carnival at I-City by that moment. ^^ Along the journey, me, Shu Ying, Carmen, Jun Hoong, Jun Keii and Brenda were chatting behind the bus about the experience of spiritual moment of life, u know wat i mean? The "things", lol... Its not scary since i had experienced a lot of it in my NS camp 2 years ago. lol... We enjoy chit-chatting about those stories though. Anyway, when we reach, everyone feels so excited and the word "Waaaa", "WoooW" beginning to comes out from the throat. haha...(including me)... Coz its juz too beautiful and its amazing. though the shops there are not occupied at all, but this amazing carnival made it well known for its lighting effects. I had a good news and bad news while i'm at the carnival too, the good news is that i had a lot of shots at the carnival, but the bad news is that my wife's cap (Nissin Di622 speedlite) suddenly out of battery. Sigh... =.= Its enuf for me though, since i had taken more than 190++ shots today and the flash is juz for taking around 150 shots with 4 AA batteries. I'm satisfied with it anyway...^^ Thats my day along the trip, time juz passes so fast... though we had a lot of fun time along the journey. ^^

The early morning shot...^^

The 5 big sisters Gang... deng~deng~deng~deng~~

Our ride... Yeah... Yi Haa...!!! =P

Shot taken with my wife's 2nd eye(100 - 300mm IS EF USM Lens)
Concentrate on the red circle, that's where i gonna zoom in... =D

This shot is taken at 18mm via a 18 - 55mm IS EF-S Lens

This shot is at 100mm focal and...

...this is at 300mm...Tadaa... =D

Brend walking along the shores... =P

This is the shot I missed out, this was taken by my assistant (Shu Ying)...lol

Having fun with shadow...lol

Me and lovely brend... XD

and of coz me and my assistant (Shu Ying)... ^^

Stylo diamond at Brend's hand !!! lol

The 1st shot at I-City!!!

The cute little icy pandas... =P

They kena syok by the lightings...Too high jor...XD
(From left: Carmen, Brend and Carmen's mom, my mom and Brend^^)

Do you agree with me? ~~~ lol
(Yes or not, u may go to facebook and tag urself there with comments)




如果有的选 择,我真的很想重新再选择。。把所有不愉快的都忘了。
但不知为何,我还是很放不下 之前的回忆。。
不 过无论怎样都好,日子还是要过。。
暗 恋人与被暗恋一样的那么痛苦,
人生就是那么无奈,不知何时是 甜,酸,苦,辣。。
虽 然幸福是每个人都可以拥有的,但是。。
现在的年轻 人(包括我)
是 不会珍惜真正的下一站,幸福。

谁 叫我出名是迟一步了。。呵呵
要 知道为何我这样说,



About ΣЦĢΣΩΣ †

My photo
ΣЦĢΣΩΣ, is an ordinary guy that born on 07th October 1990. He is a well being Libran Horse that doesn’t eat grass. He believe in the faith of god (Jesus Christ) very much. He is also loves freedom and peace that makes him an email– freedom_peacefans@hotmail.com

What ΣЦĢΣΩΣ ♥ †

Basically... ΣЦĢΣΩΣ hanging out with friends going around Klang Valley areas for movies, drinking (Yam Cha) and photographing... =D
Photographing is an enjoyable hobby and lots of fun taking photo with his beloved Canon EOS 60D, which finally been upgraded since the last entry level DSLR, and now he can finally admit to be an amateur photographer... Lol.. it is good enough for him to take what he is desiring... and he loves Streets photog, Landscapes shots, Portraiture as well. And not to forget random shots.
And of course, I my iPhone 4 & iPod Touch 4th Gen as well ! My daily used devices for all sorts of things from organizing - gaming ! =D

I do love to stay and hang out with my family as well, love of his family gave him the best blessing of his entire life and He love his Dad and Mum very much as they provide him the opportunity to gain the successful life... He loves his Sister Eva too, she is being the gr8test and loving sis that accommodate what her little brother wants and always support him! Though ΣЦĢΣΩΣ supports her too! =P

Besides his family, New Life Restoration Center or NLRC is one of his home of families as well, which means to be his beloved church members and Father Lord (Jesus), he would normally goes to the youth and cell group as well as the main service day week by week. New members are always welcomed... =D

Beloved Pets ~ PAP PAP the guinea piggy †

Beloved Pets ~ PAP PAP the guinea piggy †
Rest In Peace, 2008 - 2010

Beloved Pets ~ Fluffy

Beloved Pets ~ Fluffy

Beloved Pets ~ Sparkky

Beloved Pets ~ Sparkky


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