幸运饼 †


Today, my fren gave me a cookie, it written there "幸运饼"。。。 To be frank, its the 1st time i have fortune cookies. I tot its juz a cookie... LOL.. When i take the 1st bite, there is a small piece of paper inside. Guess what, the message in the paper were "Love is perfect, although you may not be perfect" or in chinese were "虽然你不是完美,但你的爱完美". Unfortunately, i don think the message is for my love life. If it is, i think it is not the right time now. However, to be positive, the "love" is for my family, frens and my Lord Jesus Christ. Its perfect to me though. =D

I may not be perfect... but in this imperfection, it lies a heart of true care and true LOVE in it.

Is "perfect" reli important to us?

Nothing in this world is perfect... but I believe practice makes perfect... and nothing is impossible if you do ur best in it and have a very productive life! =D

I believe...
Time will be proven
For the Perfect Love

Bukit Tinggi Trip †


Today, I went up to Bukit Tiggi with my mom, sis and Justin. I remember the last time I've been to Bukit Tiggi was about 7 years ago... Thats when it was just open for tourists and I was 12 years old that time, and i don reli remember how is it that time. I juz noe that some parts of that place is still under construction when i went there on 2003. Now... It has changed... as in "a lot". There is a castle hotel coming up near the Colma Tropical and a big ballroom next to it where the parking is located. Besides, it seems the Japanese Tea Garden which they named it "World's first Japanese Tea Garden In Tropical Forest" Which I think, "Of course, coz its only Malaysia with tropical rainforest for a tea garden?", and its located at only 3500ft above sea level where Genting is at 6000ft above sea level, that make a lots of difference man... LOL... Unfortunately. the Tea Garden is a bit run down...and the only word i heard from there is ようこそ (Welcome)... Anyway, its kinda boring up there though. We spent only about 3 hours up there from 10am and went for lunch at 1pm at a village namely Kampung Bukit Tinggi which has a lot of fresh and cheap fruits and Vegetables as well as nice food too! It seems kinda Mini Cameron Highlands with "Hot Enviroment" to me... LOL...

See That? 3500ft above sea level, thats why we all still hot like BBQ... XD

Look at what's the difference between the two pics... :D

The left pic were taken with 1/60s Shutter Speed and F5.6 Aperture with ISO 320
The right pic were taken with 0"3s Shutter Speed and F22 Aperture with ISO 400

Which U prefer? =D

The Grand Ballroom... Good for Ancient Lover Wedding. =P

Look Ma! We are in France... =D

2 sweet lover Swan waiting for their meal to come... too bad i cant give them any...

Oh well... Thats my day...
Time passing very fast...
And Life still goes on...
I Will not give up!!!

百分百的信任 †















树笑了笑:这个问题的答案其实就在你自己的心底。这些年来, 能让你爱得死去活来,能让你感觉得到生活充实,能让你挺起胸 不断往前走,是你爱的人呢?还是爱你的人呢?


树说:真要是那样的话,你的一生就将从此注定碌碌无为!你 是习惯在追逐爱情的过程中不断去完善自己的。你不再去追逐一 个自己爱的人,你自我完善的脚步也就停滞下来了。


树说:因为她是你最爱的人,让她活得幸福和快乐被你视作是 一生中最大的幸福,所以,你还会为了她生活得更加幸福和 快乐而不断努力。幸福和快乐是没有极限的,所以你的努力也将 没有极限,绝不会停止。




二、 石头问:既然这样,那么是不是要善待一下爱我的人呢?




石头说:我对爱情的要求较为苛刻,那就是我不需要这里面夹 杂着同情、夹杂着怜悯,我要求她是发自内心的爱我的,同 情、怜悯、宽容和忍让,虽然也是一种爱,尽管也会给人带 来某种意义上的幸福,但它却是我深恶痛绝的,如果她对我 的爱夹杂着这些,那么我宁愿她不要理睬我,又或者直接拒 绝我的爱意,在我还来得及退出来的时候,因为感情是只能 越陷越深的,绝望远比希望来的实在一些,因为绝望的痛是一刹 那的,而希望的痛则是无限期的。


三、 石头问:为什么我以前爱着一个女孩时,她在我眼中是最美丽 的?而现在我爱着一个女孩,我却常常会发现长得比她漂亮的女 孩呢?

树问:你敢肯定你是真的那么爱她,在这世界上你是爱她最深的 人吗? 石头毫不犹豫地说:那当然! 树说:恭喜。你对她的爱是成熟、理智、真诚而深切的。


树又继续说:她不是这世间最美的,甚至在你那么爱她的时候, 你都清楚地知道这个事实。但你还是那么地爱着她,因为 你爱的不只是她的青春靓丽,要知道韶华易逝,红颜易老, 但你对她的爱恋已经超越了这些表面的东西,也就超越了岁 月。你爱的是她整个的人,主要是她的独一无二的内心。 石头忍不住说:是的,我的确很爱她的清纯善良,疼惜她的孩 子气。 树笑了笑:时间的任何考验对你的爱恋来说算不得什么。

四、 石头问:为什么后来在一起的时候,两个人反倒没有了以前的 那些激情,更多的是一种相互依赖?



树继续说:当爱情到了一定的程度的时候,是会在不知不觉中 转变为亲情的,你会逐渐将她看作你生命中的一部分,这样 你就会多了一些宽容和谅解,也只有亲情才是你从诞生伊始 上天就安排好的,也是你别无选择的,所以你后来做的,只 能是去适应你的亲情,无论你出生多么高贵,你都要不讲任 何条件的接受他们,并且对他们负责、对他们好 石头想了想,点头说道:亲情的确是这样的。 树笑了笑:爱是因为相互欣赏而开始的,因为心动而相恋,因为互相离不开而结婚,但更重要的一点是需要宽容、谅解、习惯和适应才会携手一生的。

石头沉默了: 原来爱情也是一种宿命.



Creation of ΣЦĢΣΩΣ †


The above image were taken during Saturday when I went to Puteri 12 Hill.
And Guess what... I done the above word juz by using my DSLR Cam 1000D. =D

Want to know how i done the words? LOL...

Juz change the mode of the Camera to Manual or "M" to be exact and point at street light.
Then use 4" seconds for Shutter Speed and Aperture at F22 or if not dark enough, try F36. Once u finish focusing with the beep sound, press and hold the shutter for 4 seconds until the photo produces. Therefore, its the best u don shake during the 4 seconds. Try to hold urself steadily. =D

And "TaDaaa"....U will get this enormous pics. =D I tried my name "E U G E N E", but failed when try moving the camera and write the word "G" which turns out to be some crappy words and i don even know what i'm writing. LOL... "M E L O D Y" is a lot more easier since my fren hav tat name. =D

Btw, the below fireworks pics were taken on Sunday when Hokkien ppl "Bai Tian Gong" around my house. Sorry to say that some of the pics were blocked by roofs of houses behind my house. Shots were taken from my roof balcony it was not taken using Tripod... Not enough time to prepare. =P ...Though u will get the best results with tripod.
Oh... btw, my settings for these shots were 3" to 4" seconds of shutter speed and Aperture of F22. =D

Back to College life †


Today is the 1st day at college after Chinese New Year Holiday...
But its juz like normal, the bad news is that today no S.A.D. class... Reli S.A.D.(Sad). LOL... But The good news is that we get to leave the school at 13:40 which we normally can only leave the college at 18:30... Its juz another day with 1010 1010 0000 1110 calculation class which also known as Logical Methods. Sometimes... i think Computers are not as smart as human in calculation, coz they only will win the champion in Addition with numbers 1 & 0... not even 2. Where humans can do more than that and even subtraction. Anyway, programmers nowadays are very smart though... :) Mr. Mario(Dhason) haven change his cute little "Mushroom" hairstyle after a week holiday. =D Or he is used to his Mario style... :) Cute though... Anyway...Good luck to everyone!

Oh ya... Btw, Me, Shu Ying and Spencer went to Sunway Pyramid for movie after class today... Thought that we can use our student ID to buy ticket so that we can get some discount. Unfortunately, no student ID accepted till 28/02/10. Sad again... =( We had our lunch at Sakae Sushi, which i think its nicer than Sushi King... the serving is bigger compared to S.K., Its a nice and filling lunch anyway, each of us felt so "Jelak" after the Japanese meal. HaHa...=P
Ok, Back to the point, the movie we were watching called the "Little Big Soldier" which starring Jackie Chan and Lee Hom. I dont even know is it a War show or classical show or comedy show. haha... Its an all in one movie to me which contains comedy, adventurous and action movie. Unfortunately... Jackie got a surprise at the end of the show... wan to know what surprise he got? Then go ahead and watch this movie everyone! =D

Still Miserable...
But life still goes on...
I miss U~~

爱与不爱 †


看着一片海 笑起來

也许我不应该 站在这门外

不是因为我 我很难过

故事走到最后 期望你更好过
请你忘了 曾经有我

Tasty Pot †


Today (Night),
i have dinner with two buddy in Tasty Pot. Its located at Mentari Court area or opposite Sunway Pyramid site. Its the 3rd time i've been there since....."I don even remember when was the last time I actually been there". Haha...XD Anyway, the food there is still very delicious and more choices of food is added eg. BBQ Lamb & BBQ MEAT CRAB, though my favourite food there was the Steam MEAT CRABS, LOL... but this Lamb caught my attention when i reach there.

After our meal for more than 2 1/2 hours, @_@~~~~ Our stomach is full of MEAT CRABS!!! So we plan to go somewhere to relieve ourself, then take drove to Puteri 12, Yes... U are right, up on the hill. We hang around at the peak of the hill for bout 2 hours. I was hoping that there would be fireworks for me to catch some shots. Unfortunately, they were either far far away or behind the hill... SWT...!!!

Anyway, Let's enjoy some pics!!! =D



Shot taken at Puteri 12 Hill... But juz another peace night... SAD =(

Taken this shot accidently...haha...Well... Its creative isnt it? =P

可否不离开 讲出你的感慨,我用心恋爱,
下段道路定更精彩 ,
爱情不能单靠一方面的热情,信念和希望来决 定,

你幸福就好了 †


















About ΣЦĢΣΩΣ †

My photo
ΣЦĢΣΩΣ, is an ordinary guy that born on 07th October 1990. He is a well being Libran Horse that doesn’t eat grass. He believe in the faith of god (Jesus Christ) very much. He is also loves freedom and peace that makes him an email– freedom_peacefans@hotmail.com

What ΣЦĢΣΩΣ ♥ †

Basically... ΣЦĢΣΩΣ hanging out with friends going around Klang Valley areas for movies, drinking (Yam Cha) and photographing... =D
Photographing is an enjoyable hobby and lots of fun taking photo with his beloved Canon EOS 60D, which finally been upgraded since the last entry level DSLR, and now he can finally admit to be an amateur photographer... Lol.. it is good enough for him to take what he is desiring... and he loves Streets photog, Landscapes shots, Portraiture as well. And not to forget random shots.
And of course, I my iPhone 4 & iPod Touch 4th Gen as well ! My daily used devices for all sorts of things from organizing - gaming ! =D

I do love to stay and hang out with my family as well, love of his family gave him the best blessing of his entire life and He love his Dad and Mum very much as they provide him the opportunity to gain the successful life... He loves his Sister Eva too, she is being the gr8test and loving sis that accommodate what her little brother wants and always support him! Though ΣЦĢΣΩΣ supports her too! =P

Besides his family, New Life Restoration Center or NLRC is one of his home of families as well, which means to be his beloved church members and Father Lord (Jesus), he would normally goes to the youth and cell group as well as the main service day week by week. New members are always welcomed... =D

Beloved Pets ~ PAP PAP the guinea piggy †

Beloved Pets ~ PAP PAP the guinea piggy †
Rest In Peace, 2008 - 2010

Beloved Pets ~ Fluffy

Beloved Pets ~ Fluffy

Beloved Pets ~ Sparkky

Beloved Pets ~ Sparkky


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